Hi Mark, thanks for quick response.
I agree with you in some extent, but pls. look at this requirement.
In the event of an invalid field name being provided as part of the criteria the behavior of this method is the same as if no records matched correctly specified criteria. If the criteria string formated by code, how comes the chance of
invalid field name ?
Another confusion in the requirement
The user must be able to describe enter the string value "any" for the origin, destination, or both, so as to implement a wildcard-like feature what does it exactly mean?
I take it as, if my user provide the criteria string such as
origin=*, destionation='a' , I should give my user all the flights whose destionation='a' ignoring its origin. my confusion is that, in my criteriaFind method, do i need to parse the '*' as a wild-card? or I only need to design the GUI in the way that it could express the user's desire and do not pass the
origin=* to criteriaFind method at all?
Pls. take a breath, i have other questions.
1. In my design, i provide all the data to users at the startup, for i think the blank JTable is too unfriendly. But in reallife project i think it's unpratical, no one would like waiting thousands of records to load

, what's your opinion?
2. In the criteria formating dialog, there's 2 way to provide user to select origin or destination:
1) JTextField
2) JComboBox listing all the option
the first is easy but unfriendly, the latter one is friendly but it need to traverse the whole table to give the options. which one is more favorable?
James Du