ok here it is:
db package All classes provided by sun. I modify instead of extend
DataInterface extends remote throws Exception. Contains all public methods
Lock Manager contains lock/unlock uses same signature as Data class.
server package ConnectionInterface extends remote. One method getConnection returns DataInterface throws RemoteException
ConnectionFactory extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ConnectionInterface. binds to registry creates an instance of Data
RemoteDataImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements DataInterface
client package StartClient acts as facade starting in local or remote mode. Boots the ClientController
LocalDataImpl implements DataInterface. wraps calls to Data class
RemoteDataClient. does lookup of connection factory, calls getConnection, passes calls via DataInterface
ClientController. Holds all ActionListeners for Gui. Boots ClientModel passes model into constructor of GUI
ClientGui the view for the application.
ClientModel extends AbstractTableModel holds the display data.
I am using JMenu although it doesn't do much. JTabbedPane to hold search and booking panes.
JComboboxes for the origins and destinations.
Just getting this far has taught me
alot, so even though there have been frustrating moments, I do believe I will be a better programmer/developer after completing this exam