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multithreaded client ?

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Hidehoo Rangers,
Do you think it's necessary to process code that's not related to the screen (fe booking a flight) in a thread different from the AWT event Dispatching Thread ?
I mean, do you have a multithreaded client ?
I worked out a framework where all the event listeners are implementations 1 top level event listener that manages exception handling. Doing so, I have only one place to worry about exceptions. But if it's realy necessary to use the AWT Event dispatching thread only for painting jobs, things get pretty complicated at this top level event listener. My implementations works but I wonder if the code complexity is worth the effort.
Any suggestions ?
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Yes, I have a multithreaded client. But I wouldn't if I had joined this forum earlier.
The assignment's GUI complexity is not worth the effort.
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