Thanks Eduard
But for this assignment we dont need to refer to any other jar file in the classpath
Let me explain u using an example:
1) i created a simple
test program which has a main method that out puts hello world
This is in package myprogs
2) I create a manifest file for it having value
Main-Class: myprogram.test
3) i made an executable jar file for this as
jar -cfm test.jar mymanifest myprograms\
4) Now i have test.jar file which is excutable.
5) if this file is in c:\amit and i am also in same directory on commnand prompt, i can run java -jar test.jar that works
but when i go to any other folder on the command prompt and run the same command it gives the error java.util.zipexception which means that it is not able to fond the jar file. I setted this file in class path but not working.
Pls Help
test.jar is just an example but same i am doing for running server.jar in this assignment