Well, unfortunately my work has had me stay late for so many times in the past few months that I am finally looking at the
SCJD Beta assignment. It is three days from the upload deadline. Sunday and most of Tomorrow are already taken up with previous engagements. And I know now that there is no way possible I could complete the assignment in one night. So it looks like I will not be doing the assignment at all.
I really wish I had had more time. But I don't, and the IO stuff and the creating the Data class from scratch is daunting me.
Good Luck to everyone else who is about to complete the assignment and take the essay exam.
Also to let most of you know, I won't be able to spend as much time replying to posts here as I have in the past. Junilu has agreed to pick up my slack.

I am sure Michael, Eugene, Max and everyone else who has already really picked up on my slack, will also continue to help.
Also all the hours at work has left me with very little time with my wife and other life aspects. I am really burnt out at work, and want to slow down a bit.
I know that everyone here will understand. You guys are the best.