then if the View now knows nothing about the Model and Controller how does it populate its JTable, Origin and destination components, for example, to begin with?
Aruna A. Raghavan<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD
This Observed-Observable pattern takes Controller out of picture,doesn't it?
Aruna A. Raghavan<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD
So,Controller only gets involved to send a search/booking request to the Model but the View receives events directly thr' the broadcast from the Model? In other words, Controller does not subscribe to these DataAvailable type of events?
Aruna A. Raghavan<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD
Aruna A. Raghavan<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD
What's wrong with Controller just pushing a button on the View to tell it that data is available. Is it wrong because the View and Controller are tightly coupled? I mean Controller has to know about the View anyway...
Aruna A. Raghavan<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD
Originally posted by Eugene Kononovalthough the controller knows about the views, it's not much coupling, because all the controller does is to invoke the show() and hide() methods of the views
If everything is under control, you're going too slow.<br /> Mario Andretti
In order for the View to obtain information from the Model so that it knows how to initialise and update the values contained in its components it should subscribe to events issued by the Model thus it will in fact need a reference to the Model if not the Controller.
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