Regardless of which way you do it, you should keep track of which cookies are currently issued for each record.
Hi, Andrew:
I did search on "lock" and have read many of the talks about it. And this is why I am replying to this topic which dated a while back.
Why do I have to keep track of the cookie, could you please explain in more detail? Thanks.
And to be honest, the more I read about the lock/unlock topics, the more I get confused. My implementation of lock is like the following, please let me know if I missed anything:
public long lock(int recn) thorws ...{
if not a valid record throw exception
synchronize lock manager
while recn is locked already, wait
return lock manager.lock record recn
public void unlock(int recN, long cookie) throws ...{
if (not a valid record) throws exception
synchronize lock manager
if lock manager.get lock cookie for recN
throw security exception
lock manager.remove lock on recN
notify whoever is waiting
And in the remote interface implementaion, I have the following when updateing a record:
long mycookie = data.lock(...)
data.update(...) //or data.create() or data.delete()
data.unlock(..., mycookie)
I don't see a need for keep track of cookie.
I may just have covered the simplest case, please advise. Thanks.