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FBN Design Choices document

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I would be interested in finding out how much people are writing
in their design choices document. Also, what design choices do
you have to document?
I have written a couple of paragraphs about each of the two main
topics (RMI vs Serialized Objects and Extending vs Modifying), but
i'm thinking this is probably not enough.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
I had about 8 or so pages covering the following topics:
1. Abstract
2. General Considerations
3. RMI vs. Serialized Objects Over Socket Connections
4. Modifying vs. Extending the Data class
5. Server design
6. Database Record Locking
7. Simplifying data access
8. Client design
9. Exception Handling
10. Record Search Algorithm
11. Connecting the classes together -- a flight booking example
12. User Interface
Your contents may be different, of course, based on your version of assignment.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
I would probably put together about a page, addressing the major points like locking, RMI vs. sockets, etc. By and large, I don't think they're going to want a tome.
All best,
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