Hi all, I've the old Fly By Night assignment and have a problem with my locking and almost have to submit the assignment and time is running out, aaaaagh!
When two different clients try to book some seats on the same flight (record number 2), one doensn't book.
This is part of my code and I can't figure out whats wrong. Clients do not lock, only the very first request is succesfuly booked. Here si the code with some debug lines so you can uderstand the output below.
(In method modify I have the the
thread sleep for 5 secs so I can
test the locking, when this is over you will see the "modify end sleep")
And this is the result
inside update 2
a inside lock 2
d about to add 2
e leaving lock 2: [2]
about to modify update 2
inside modify
inside update 2
end sleep modify
about to unlock in update 2
UNLOCK about to remove 2 [2]
UNLOCK removed 2 []
a inside lock 2
d about to add 2
e leaving lock 2: [2]
about to modify update 2
inside modify
end sleep modify
about to unlock in update 2
UNLOCK about to remove 2 [2]
UNLOCK removed 2 []
So if for flight with record number 2, a first request is made for 3 seats and inmediately after that a request for same flight for 7 seats, only 3 seats are being booked.
Any help is very welcome. Thanks.