My advice is to take the exam as scheduled.
When Sun resolves your upload problem, I think they'll send you an email. My advice is to upload your project as soon as possible after you receive this notification. Sun should cut you some slack on this, after all lots of SCJD candidates have been cutting Sun some slack on their assignment upload process.
The wisest course (and I think it's what the instructions say) would have been to only schedule the exam after you have successfully uploaded your project. But I imagine you realize that now, and there's nothing that can be done to reverse time and do it differently.
Rant follows:
I must say I don't see the point of Sun setting up their upload system so that if the user does everything correctly, the site rejects the user's submission. That sounds to me like designing failure into the system. Apparently this has come about because Sun has set the permissions incorrectly. So Sun would prefer to treat all uploads on an exceptional basis and deal with surprised candidates wanting to know why Sun is rejecting their submission, rather than fixing the problem. Well, I guess that's a design choice?! Maybe they should make development of an assignment upload facility the new design problem for the SCJD Exam

This flawed process has been further exacerbated recently because of a transition to a new cert manager. So Sun has had an email backlog of several weeks trying to deal with candidate's problems uploading their assignments. How could they have such a long backlog? Pretty easily, since it seems that the official process to upload the assignment goes something like this: candidate uploads the assignment, upload fails, candidate complains to Sun, Sun fixes the permissions after about a week, the candidate upload the assignment and it succeeds. Here's a thought: how many people have download the SCJD assignment? Let's assume just for fun that they all plan to upload their assignments sometimes (I know it's a stretch, but just play along), then what they could do is set the upload permissions for all the people who have downloaded the assignment at one time. But then what would the person answering all the email complaints do?
Hope that helps,
[ January 13, 2004: Message edited by: George Marinkovich ]