What kinds of ruggedness tests do the examiners carry out?
Will they do things like start the server, start the network client, then shut off the server and then mess around with the client to see if it works? How important is it to
test on other environments like UNIX, Mac etc?
What other tests do I need to do to convince myself that my application is rugged?
I have the locking mechanism in place, how to test it programmatically to make sure that its
water tight?
In addition:
Is it necessary to have the option for Case Sensitive search with a checkbox? My search is case sensitive right now and I dont provide the option. Am I not fulfilling any requirement?
I was wondering how to go about writing the design document. Are there any guidelines I can follow?
Sun Certified Web Component Developer 1.4<br />Sun Certified Java Developer 1.4<br />IBM Certified Associate Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0 (285)<br />IBM Certified Specialist - IBM WebSphere Application Server, Adv Single Server Edition for Multiplatforms, V4.0 (158)<br />IBM Certified Solutions Expert - IBM Websphere Studio V4.0 (487)<br />IBM Certified Specialist - IBM Visual Age for Java V4.0 (283)<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.2