SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
Originally posted by Morgan Bath:
Sun Certified J2SE ExpertOK
Sun Certified Expert Solution DeveloperOK
Sun Certified Java Shaman![]()
Sun Certified and then some!and then it
Sun Certified WizardNot sure
Sun Certified Money Making MachineAtleast if they change to this, people will realize that they have to give jobs and raise the pay![]()
Sun Certified God (Or Sun God for short)"Sun God" -- It would be fun for recruiters to search for this buzz word![]()
Sun Certified Master of JavaOK
Sun Certified Doctor of JavaWe can add Ph.D(Java) in CV. Just in case you think why I did'nt write the same for Master, then I already have one
so Ph.D will looks good beside it right
Sun Certified Honourable Object Oriented Lord (SCHOOL)Not sure
Apart from "Go to bed Morgan, its late and you are losing your mind!"
If its really getting late...take the first sentence from my side "Go to bed Morgan" and sleep well.
[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: Morgan Bath ]
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 5: paper version from Amazon, PDF from Apress, Online reference: Books 24x7 Personal blog
SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
Originally posted by Vish Kumar:
I intend replace the word "programmer" with the "developer" on my CV. Will the agent(s) understand or even spot the spelling difference? :roll:
SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
SCJP 1.4, SCJD 1.4, SCBCD (Preparing!)
Originally posted by Max Habibi:
I think it's just a matter of how you use it: have a speech ready. If they raise an eyebrow and ask 'SCJD?', have a little shpil ready about what you did, what technologies you dealt with, how such-and-such problem was approached, and how you've been enriched by the experience.
SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
Originally posted by Max Habibi:
IMO, the SCJD really is the premier software certification available on any platform. It's one thing to take a test that requires memorization. It's another to create a fully functional, if micro-level, application server. Talk about what your experience and growth during the project: chances are, if they don't care, you don't want the job anyway![]()
All best,
By Andrew
If they know what is involved in SCJD, then they will know that you are versitile enough to learn and sucessfully implement multiple technologies based on vague specifications.
Homeland can be interpreted as the country/place you live/work, or the country/place you are from, or the country/place your family rooted. Ordered by ISO3166 codes.
MobileBytes blog - Sharing Technology - My Programming Knols
BEA 8.1 Certified Administrator, IBM Certified Solution Developer For XML 1.1 and Related Technologies, SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCDJWS, SCJD, SCEA,
Oracle Certified Master Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect
Originally posted by Fred Grott:
Since we obviously need to raise awareness and not Wait for SUN..or its setting down on technology for that mattter..
Could we not use a opensource project to somehow rasie the awareness?
SCJP 1.4, SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.3, SCBCD 1.3, IBM Certified Solution Developer -WebSphere Studio V5.0
Originally posted by Morgan Bath:
Whats worse is im guilty of encouraging this. Ive proof read CVs for friends and encouraged them to add these buzz terms. One guy had written one JSP script in his three years in a company and I had him put JSP web component developer as one of his major roles during that time .... cos the job he was looking at was looking for JSP peopleHe didnt even deploy it himself! But now he is a J2EE developer because of it.
Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer
Author of Camel in Action:
Open Source Integration:
SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
Originally posted by Morgan Bath:
Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer
Author of Camel in Action:
Open Source Integration:
Originally posted by Claus Ibsen:
Even the off-shore developers can pass them. They are very used to this exam of multi-choice. They just do alot of these simulators and can pass in the 60-80% range after a few tries.
Originally posted by Claus Ibsen:
Yeah what was the correct english term for doing development in the far east - outsource?
Well anyway it was in China.
SCJP (1.4), SCJD (1.4), SCWCD (1.3), SCBCD (1.3)
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