I used a configurable Server GUI. If I was doing
SCJD again I'd pull the configuration Dialog out into a seperate start-up process (before you even create the Server or Client).
This Dialog process could load up the default or stored configurations and allow the user to modify the fields. It would only display the fields for the chosen mode ("server", "local", "") and then start either the Client or Server application.
A Client may change to another DB or networked server so may need to reaccess the configuration process.
The Server would need no further configuring. You couldn't change it to point at another DB while running (why would you when you potentially have Clients attached?). To change to another DB you'd exit and restart the app..
Does your customer really require server pause/start buttons and a window of Server processing details? If you go over spec. you will waste your time and your effort and potentially points
. In the real world, will your customer be happy that the system is delivered late even if he gets an unrequired but flashy JTextArea with pretty JButtons?
What's left?
You've configured the server, pulled out all the unnecessary fooling around and really all you need is an exit button or even simpler no server GUI at all just a command line with Ctrl-C to exit! Exceptions could be passed back to the GUI Client, logged and worked around or if they were serious enough bring the server down.
This would free you up for the weekend and give you more time to work on your Client GUI design.