Yes, I understand the SCJD exam format. But, If they has SCJD for 1.5 in this year, I better wait.
Because SCJD take shorter maybe fews months, if longer maybe a year to finish the assignment. If I havn't finish the assignment, suddenly the new version exam come out. Then, that feel like taken the old exam....
But, If I am taking the SCJD 1.4 exam, suddenly it come out the SCJD 1.5. At that time, they can allow me scwith from 1.4 to 1.5 then no problem for me.
According to the instructions, you are feel free to use any of J2SE versions that are offically released (not included Beta versions).
Throughout this exercise, you must use exclusively the Java 2 platform. You may develop your code using any implementation of the Java 2 platform, but the submission that you return must have been tested and shown to work under a production (not development) version of the Sun Microsystems' Java 2 platform and that platform must not have been superseded by a new production version for more than 18 months by the time you make your submission.
Thus, the requirement forces you to use latest J2SE versions.
Or can allow me take the beta exam, still good for me
For the SCJD and
SCEA part II, I dont think there will be any beta versions, unlike others, as we cannot finish it within 4-5 hours.
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)