Do I understand my assignment (UrlyBird) about properties file correctly?
For example if the properties file doesn't exist, the Configuration dialog will appear. The user enter the information depends of the startup
mode (database location, or IP or Port). Than the properties file will be created and all entered information from the user will be saved.
If the user starts the second time the application (server, or client, or the standalone) the programm looks if the properties file exists. If
this exists the application will be started with the parameters from the properties file without the Configuration dialog .
If some properties values are not defined. The Configuration dialog appears.
The user can modify this properties file also from gui:
for Standalone/Remote Client the properties can be changed in the main GUI, where I make the booking or search.
for Server the properties can be changed in GUI where I have only one "stop" button.
How do you think is it "as right as rain"?
Did I understand it correctly?
Thanks a lot for your comments!