My search record metod is somethig like :
To put it in words I use only one RAF to to brief all the records or to brief the records starting with a specific index.
The srategy is simple I check each record with a specific criteria( checkCriteria(criterias, record) ) and if the
test is passed then the recNo(record index) is registered to the result List(here I think to use the in/out box features from
java 1.5 ).
What I don't like on it is that the method is to long and it contains to many nested blocks (a try with a for with a if with a if with a if).
What you think about guys ?It is to complex ?
Now I see that I forget to close the RAF (probaly in a finaly bock)
[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: Mihai Radulescu ]
[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: Mihai Radulescu ]