is it best to just add methods to the interface that I have been given.
ie spec says
and must implement the following interface:
package suncertify.db;
public interface DBMain {
// Reads a record from the file. Returns an array where each
// element is a record value.
String [] read(int recNo) throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Modifies the fields of a record. The new value for field n
// appears in data[n].
public void update(int recNo, String [] data)
throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Deletes a record, making the record number and associated disk
// storage available for reuse.
public void delete(int recNo) throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Returns an array of record numbers that match the specified
// criteria. Field n in the database file is described by
// criteria[n]. A null value in criteria[n] matches any field
// value. A non-null value in criteria[n] matches any field
// value that begins with criteria[n]. (For example, "Fred"
// matches "Fred" or "Freddy".)
public int [] find(String [] criteria)
throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Creates a new record in the database (possibly reusing a
// deleted entry). Inserts the given data, and returns the record
// number of the new record.
public int create(String [] data) throws DuplicateKeyException;
// Locks a record so that it can only be updated or deleted by this client.
// If the specified record is already locked, the current
thread gives up
// the CPU and consumes no CPU cycles until the record is unlocked.
public void lock(int recNo) throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Releases the lock on a record.
public void unlock(int recNo) throws RecordNotFoundException;
// Determines if a record is currenly locked. Returns true if the
// record is locked, false otherwise.
public boolean isLocked(int recNo)
throws RecordNotFoundException;
so I just add getAll() and getHeadings() methods to this
or create a new interface 'DBMainPlus' extending this one which the data(local anmd remote) then implement I can also deal with all the different types of execptions and through generic URLyBirdExceptions (NOTE the exceptions question is another issue I need to resolve as I have only been working with my URLyBird exception, should I now create recordNotFound and DuplicateKeyRecord exceptions or can i use the javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException and RecordNotFoundException?)