Hello, everyone
About 3 weeks ago, I uploaded my assignment and I haven't received the score of my
SCJD exam yet.
I just search the History section in the I7 database and only find two records about my SCJD exam. One is "Exam(310-027)Sun Certified Developer for the
Java 2 platform(310-027)-Pending". The other is "Enrolled in Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 platform".
Actually, when I uploaded my assignment to the CertManager, I received a message, "Your upload has been successfully received". But in the I7 database, the information about my downloading and uploading the assignment doesn't show. I wonder whether it is correct.
After I asked for the right for uploading, I received an e-mail which granted me the right and stated that I can view my results about 2-4 weeks. But after I finished the essay exam(310-027),I got an Examination Score Report which states that I may view my results about 4-6 weeks. I want to know which instructions for the duration are right.
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Ailsa Cape