General Con: 100 97
Documentation: 70 70
OOD: 30 30
GUI: 40 33
Locking: 80 80
Data Store: 40 40
Network Server: 40 40
Total: 400 390
Thanks to all the people who answered and asked questions. Some critical mistakes that I made would have gone unnoticed, if had not attempted to answer some of the questions.
I tried out of the ordinary things like MDI windows, a very different GUI, Conurrency features in 1.5 and a lot of other things.
In the GUI implementing the AND/OR/ALL logic for search is the most important part. Eventhough this part of my GUI was very powerful, it was a little difficult to understand. This is where I lost 7 points.
I am really happy that I was able to crack this exam, inspite of having most of my work experience(and continuing) in mainframes.
Once again thanks to all of you.