Hello Kelly
My specs say:
Your programs MUST not require use of command line property specifications.
Regarding RMI:
You MUST provide all classes pre-installed so that no dynamic class downloading occurs.
rmi.server.hostname too:
I can't see your server
requires overriding default values of these properties. In that situation you are centering in a very
particular network configuration (for example when the clients are outside the server LAN, and "server localhost" can not be routed by them) and as particular it is, overriding their values would not be a
requirement for a correct working...
And regarding
Regarding RMI:
You MUST not require the installation of a security manager.
So, at least in my assignment, any of these properties are required.
Would it be acceptable to hard code the values of these properties in my main startup class
Ummm, all sentence with these magic words "hard code" might make you think twice.
In these situation is even worse since they are System properties, not parameters.
Hope this helps,
Regards, Ori