after 5 weeks of waiting I got my result today: it's not a good score, but I'm happy that i passed: 352/400 (88%)
General Considerations (maximum = 100): 90
Documentation (maximum = 70): 69
O-O Design (maximum = 30): 30
GUI (maximum = 40): 31
Locking (maximum = 80): 65
Data store (maximum = 40): 40
Network server (maximum = 40): 27
after using this test-class (thanks to sam)
https://coderanch.com/t/188740/java-developer-SCJD/certification/Testing-Tool-Data-Class I discovered that my locking is not thread-safe, so I changed it over night - I guess it was not granular enough.
network server is not a really surprise, because I did not found a good way to capsulate my local and remote interface.
but I'm happy about the oo-design and the data store section - and of course about the documentation, because my natural language is german.
thanks to all of javaranch. I did not post many questions, but it was a great help to read the topics here.
I read the "scjd exam with j2se 5" from andrew monkhouse. thanks for that, too.
now I'm out for party
Greetings, Markus