I agree that a FAQ would be very helpful, and I know Tony has said as much back on javacert as well. It's something I've been meaning to start up myself, but probably not this week.
Naturally if someone else wants to start one I wouldn't object. I think once we get something going and have a public place to put it (I assume Paul would put it up here for us, or show one of us how to) then there would be a lot of people who could contribute to it.
As far as copyrights are concerned, I don't think we could list a bunch of copyrighted questions, but we could certainly provide a listing that says, for example, that in Roberts/Heller/Ernest pp. 192-3 questions 1 & 2 all answers are wrong because none of the methods return a float like they're declared to. More commonly, we have a lot of questions posted that we don't know where they're from. We'd need to try to weed out the known copyrighted questions, and actual
test questions, but there are many others that are publicly available. And many of the questions come in many slightly different versions - I'd like to have one section on say, garbage collection, that discusses the most common issues, rather than reprinting all 250 different poorly-worded variations on the same basic questions. It would take some time to compile certainly, but we could just keep adding to it.
In addition to "Frequently Asked Sample Test Questions", there should probably be stuff like "Useful Suggestions For Posting on JavaRanch in General" and also "Useful Suggestions for Posting About
Java Certification". Stuff like how to use CODE tags to make your code readable here, and which forums to use for what (don't put
everything under "Programmer Certification"), and don't ask too many questions in one post, and use meaningful subject lines, and don't post questions from the actual test, and don't just post a test question without saying what you think the answer is or why you're confused about it, and a bunch of other things I can't think of right now.
Anyway, I'm supposed to be working hard right now, so I'll leave you now with those thoughts, and hopefully later I'll make something more organized out of them. Or someone else will. Once we have a start, I think a lot of people could contribute to something like this.