Marcus Green Exam 1. Q 56. You are using the GridBagLayout manager to place a series of buttons on a Frame. You want to make the size of one of the buttons bigger than the text it contains. Which of the following will allow you to do that? 1) The GridBagLayout manager does not allow you to do this 2) The setFill method of the GridBagLayout class 3) The setFill method of the GridBagConstraints class 4) The fill field of the GridBagConstraints class answer - 4. I think The answer is using fields ipadx and ipady. fill field is used for filling up cell area. Am i right ? Can somebody explain ? Am I missing somethin here ?
ipadx and ipady would probably be a better answer, but 4 is the best answer of those provided. By allowing the component to fill all available cell space, the button will probably be bigger than its preferred size (i.e. bigger than the text it contains) - but it depends on how much space is available.
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