The foll. qstn is asked in both Jaworski and Chris Mock Exam
applets. But they both give different answers. In Chris Exam, ans 2) is given false. He says adapter classes give no-implementation. They don't give default-implementation.
But in Jammi ans 2) is said to be true. We know that All adapter classes define empty methods. What you all think is the appropriate ans. for the exam
Thank you.
maha anna
Which of the foll. statements are true ? 1. Event listeners are interfaces that define methods that
event-handling classes must implement.
An event adapter is a class that provides a default implementation of an event listener 3. EventListeners and Adapter classes are deprecated in
Java 2 Event Handling
4. The WindowAdapter class is used to handle window-related events
[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited April 05, 2000).]