hello everybody there was a post from maha anna that sun exam objectives are going to change,maha if you have any confirmation or anybody has any confirmation regarding this please reply because i have booked my exam on tuesday ,tomorrow. thank you.
I think the changes they are referring to is with regards to the IO section. They have been having questions on IO but never updated the objectives to reflect this. I believe that they are finally getting around to doing it.
No. Take a look at http://java.sun.com/cert-initiative/programmer.html I don't remember seeing the following objectives before * Use the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) software to build visual applications. * Write applications which are independent of language or location, using the internationalization APIs. * Use the jar command to package together the components of a Java technology-based application.
Open Group Certified Distinguished IT Architect. Open Group Certified Master IT Architect. Sun Certified Architect (SCEA).
Pls Pls Pls MA/Tony/Jim pls clarify the objectives - is swing/jar/inter on the exam or not??? From the posts of the others who have just given, there seems to be nothing on this topic. Am scheduled to give the exam next week. PLS CLARIFY!!
No, These above NEW objectives are NOT in our SCJP2 exam. It is confirmed from a link posted by RAYBOND . Check out this link. regds maha anna [This message has been edited by maha anna (edited May 02, 2000).]
Brace yourself while corporate america tries to sell us its things. Some day they will chill and use tiny ads.