The problem is, it's not clear what exactly is meant by "run the garbage collector". It's certainly possible to execute the gc() method, which is part of the overall garbage collection system. However it's not possible to guarantee that any memory will be freed. If gc() exits without really accomplishing anything, did garbage collection "run"? Joy quoted three sentences - note that only the first one actually uses the term "run", and it seems to support Joy's answer. The second sentence tends to support Edward's interpretation, and the third seems to lean again towards Joy - if the JVM "has made its best effort", then it seems to me that garbage collection has "run", even if it failed. But many people seem to think that "run" means "run successfully" in some sense, and I can respect that.
This and similarly-worded questions have been much discussed in the past, as you can see using the "search" facility. This particular wording is too ambiguous, IMO, and no definitive answer is really possible. If a question asks if garbage collection can be "invoked" or "called" I'd say yes, definitely. It the question is whether it can be "forced" or "guaranteed" I'd say, certainly not. But for this particular wording, there are valid cases on both sides. We can only hope that Sun doesn't use such poor wording on the actual exam. If they do, drop me a line and I'll drive by their office to throw rocks at their windows in retaliation.
Other than that, there doesn't seems to be much else to do about this question - it's not worth worrying about.