Just an hour ago I cleared the
SCJP exam. I got one question wrong, where I had to fill in the missing line of code.
Apparently I shouldn't have put the semicolon at the end!!.
Many many questions were about basics.
You should know the
language fundamentals and threads better than the back of your
hand. The bonus points comes from the rest. The questions were
clear, nothing out of the scope of objectives. But they were
surprisingly harder than expected, a LOT harder than the mock
exams. I almost felt like doing the Khalid's tests. I prepared
for about two months, read ALL the certification guides( thanks
to Barnes and Noble! ) and did all the mock exams. At some point
I was desparately searching for more mocks!.
Anyway, I am happy its behind me now. A big thanks to the Ranch,
and all the ranchers esp. Maha, Eric, Satya, Suma, Herbert, Nut,
Jim. Learning has been great fun here. I sure will hang around,
but right now the only thing on my mind is the vacation next

Good luck to everyone going to write the exam soon.
Again, with a VERY BIG Thanks,