Originally posted by Madhav Lakkapragada:
As I know, this is a general forum for the programmer certification, more so predominantly technical.
So IMHO, I think you should ask these qstns to an
authorised Sun Certification Agent or Sylvan Center.
In US: Sun Education: 800-422-8020
and Sylvan: 800-795-3926.
Check that out.
- satya
I ask this question for the "GENERAL" benefit of the forum.
THanx for your 'free' advice anyway, I had already inquired from Sun , this is what I got in my reply....
I'd like to ask you the following questions :
> 1. I'd like to appear for the exam Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2
> Platform Exam No. 310-025 IMMEDIATELY AFTER I have appeared for the above
> mentioned Beta Exam.
> Can I purchase a voucher for the exam 310-025 in this week ?
> If yes, Will it make my Beta Exam voucher void ?
No, it will not make your beta exam voucher void. You can take the existing 025
exam until October. After October we will replace the old questions with these
new questions.
> 2. If I appear for the Beta exam first, and immediately appear for the "real
> exam" (No. 310-025),
> which score counts towards my certification ?
> I ask this question becuase the results of the beta exam will be announced
> only in October. Does a failure in the exam make my previous success void ?
You will be certified if you pass one or both of the exams. A fail on one will
not cancel out the pass.