Originally posted by Harry Chawla:
Hi Antra
Thanks for the update. I'd been wondering why I haven't got any reply from Sun.
This is the latest news from Sun :
This voucher number is good only for the 311-025 beta exam. It cannot be
used for any other Sun Certification exams. The voucher is also only good
august 11 - August 23. If you do not take the exam by August 23 the voucher will
expire and you will have to purchase a voucher in order to take the exam.
Do not lose this number. On August 10, Prometric will begin registration
for the exam. You will need to call the Prometric registration center in your
region (see list at the bottome of this email) to register for the location,
date and time you wish to take the exam. They will ask for the voucher number at
that time.
Please find the
testing objectives attached to this email. These objectives are
only slightly different from the existing objectives on our website. The
content is still the same.
Also attached to this email please find the introduction to this exam. Read
through this carefully before you take the test. It will be posted at the front
of the exam but you will be limited by time so it is best to read through it in
I do not have the exact number of questions for the exam yet nor the exact
amount of time. It will be over 150 questions and approximately 4 hours. This
information is only for the beta. The final exam will only have a percentage of
these questions and be given in a shorter period of time.
You will be given the opportunity to provide comments while taking the
exam. If you have any additional feedback at the end of the exam feel free to
send your comments to me directly.
Please note: You will find questions on the exam called variants. These are
questions on the exam that appear to be the same. In fact, the actual question
for two or more may be identical but they have slightly different answer
options. Please do not make comments on these questions being the same. We are
aware of this. No two variants will not go on the same form of the final exam.
Around the middle of October, after the final exam has been published, you will
receive confirmation of your pass or fail score. You will not be able to find
out your score before that time so please do not send us a request for your
score. Once the scoring is complete you will be able to view your score in the
certification database,
www.galton.com/~sun. You will also receive a score
report in the mail from Prometric Testing. If you have passed the exam you will
receive a certificate once your score has been entered into the database.
Please contact me if you decide not to take the beta exam so that your spot can
be filled. Feel free to contact me with questions. Thank you again for your
Prometric Regional Service Centers:
Asia/Australia 61-2-9414-3663
Germany 49-2159-9233-50
Japan 813-3269-9620
Latin America 1-612-820-5200
USA/Canada 1-800-795-3926
UK 44-181-607-3850
Prometric Website to locate local testing center: