Hi Doit,
I have few answers for ur question.
1)Backslash character is the escape character in
Java strings. The Java convention is to use the UNIX and URL-style forward slash for path separators. So, u should use \\ for Windows-style pathnames. C:\\window\\... But if u use a forward slash(/) on a Windows version of Java, the path will still resolve correctly.
2)In my view, RHE means navigation methods as methods which navigate thru the file directory tree hierarchy such as getAbsolutePath, getParent(), etc. Non-navigation methods are such as canRead, canWrite, length, etc. which does not need to navigate thru the directory hierarchy.
3)If u open an existing file in "rw" mode and start writing into it, it will begin overwriting the file. To append to the file, we should explicitly call seek() method by passing the length of the file as argument, so that it will place the pointer at the end of the file.
4)Acc. to RHE, the first argument in the constructor new File(File dir, String subpath); can be directory or file, but when I tried to execute by passing filename to the first argument and the second argument as empty string, there is no effect on the file when I write to it.
Hope this can help u,