Praveen Kumar<BR>Mumbai ,India<BR>email: [email protected]
Open Group Certified Distinguished IT Architect. Open Group Certified Master IT Architect. Sun Certified Architect (SCEA).
Originally posted by Anonymous:
without disclosing my identity for certain personal reasons.
asking me to prove it sounds a little of mistrust on a forum that I have grown to respect. Tomorrow you will have an email from me with proof of my results.
Open Group Certified Distinguished IT Architect. Open Group Certified Master IT Architect. Sun Certified Architect (SCEA).
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Best Regards,<br />Matt Midcap
Originally posted by Anonymous:
Hi Javaranchers,
I am one of those silent fans of Javaranch. I passed my SCJP2 today and was shocked to see my score that I had to rubs my eyes and pinch myself to check if I was awake. I scored a perfect 100.
I have to thank Maha anna as I did follow her preparation tips and gave a lot of mock exams. I used to score around 93% in most of the mock exams. My exam I felt was simpler than most of the mocks. Also I did not get the dreaded Socket or MediaTracker qstns. However I did get plenty of questions on Polymorphism, Threading and Java concepts.
I took about 1.5 months to prepare for this exam. The first one month I spend reading Thinking in Java 2, the last 15 days, I breezed thru Khalid Mughals certificatin book, took plenty of mocks and spend a lot of time going thru the Java Ranch Threads.
Thank you Java ranch. You really are a fab site.
For all the Java gurus any idea on the way forward now. I am not a newbie into computing but yes defy a newbie into Java. I have about 7 years of IT expr in a variety of topics like C, Oracle etc.
All the very best to those aspiring for SCJP2. Just one advice relax and think clearly. Take your time. 120 mins is a lot of time for 59 questions. I managed to finish the test and revise the answers twice in about 61 minutes.
Guess I will just chill out today and let the feeling sink in.
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