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Urgent :- Info wanted on JAVA projects & Codes

Ranch Hand
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Dear friends,
i have been doing java programming since last 2 months.But i am not confident enough.everytime i go 4 an interview they ask for project-experience,and i stammer bcoz i have no exp..Since my acads were not great at engineering i am facig lot of difficulty.
So i just hope that friends like u would guide me by sending any relevant Java projects alongwith the source code,so that next time i step into an interview room ,i will be confident.If possible ,mail me the links which deal i java projects.
please help me.PLEASE!!!
MY MAIL ID IS [email protected]
with hope,
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Why dont u check
hope u will find some here
[This message has been edited by Vivek Nambiar (edited September 25, 2000).]
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dear friends,
Please respond according to the spirit of javaranch .2 days and only one reply.
thanx vivek.
Come on friends.Please help me out.I will be grateful.
Ranch Hand
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Hi Atriya ...
One site you could check out is AlphaWorks. There are numerous small projects and JavaBeans that have been developed by various people. It would give you an idea of what others are working on.
I read an article (unfortunately can't remeber where) that recommended one of the best things to do, if you don't have career experience in Java programming, is to set up your own site and include your Java projects being sure to include the full documentation and source code. In a sense, build your own on-line portfolio. Then, when an interviewer asks "What have you done?" you can point them to the site and let them check out your work.
All the best in your career change.
[This message has been edited by Jane Griscti (edited September 27, 2000).]
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Sending projects with source code?? Hmmmm.. let's see...do you plan to read the code and put the project in your resume? Not a good idea!! It is not only unethical, but will bury you under 10 feet of sand when you have to eventually write code for your employer.
So, lets' try some practical, novel approaches...
May be you should think of doing the Developers' Certification. This will give you a project to work on and when you're done, you will also get a certificate from SUN, weighing more than the SCJP trophy. How do ya like it??
On a related note, it is not hard to find employers who are willing to consider your prior non-Java experience and hire you. It all depends on how hard you sell yourself, and surely your SCJP certificate will put you in a better position. Try your luck in the JavaRanch Jobs offered/wanted forums.
Jane's idea is really great. Think of some projects for yourself- applications or utility libraries. Come up with your own requirements and work on it with real-life spirit. Then get yourself a free web-space and showcase your programs with documentation. You'll also pick up some HTML/Applet skills on the way. Isn't that great??
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...any relevant Java projects alongwith the source code,so
that next time i step into an interview room....

Please respond according to the spirit of javaranch
Pardon my ignorance, but since when did this become
the spirit. Are you telling me that the spirit
here is "give me your projects with code so I can use it on
my resume?"

- satya
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Cheat at your own risk. We had to let go one person in just a few weeks when we realized he didn't know what he claimed. Just a few weeks. A person that moved (at his own expense of course) across state lines (USA) to try to work here.
The way we do it is via "try before you buy" contractors (like they did with me. Then they made an offer I couldn't refuse after 2.5 months). They know that there are a lot of people that are claiming to know Java programming because of the great salaries, but we know how to tell the wheat from the chaff (sorry; that's an American saying).
So just today we had to let go (with plenty of notice because we are nice) an H1-B visa Java programmer who was good but not at the (contracting) salary level that he occupied. And our slots are counted. We only have one Senior level try-before-we-buy position. The other two have resulted great; one young Indian lady and one (younger than me) Rumanian lady now citizen of Canada. I hope they decide to stay with us when they are offered the so-called "permanent position"
Steps to being a Java programmer (or for that matter anything else professionally):
1) At first don't obsess with finding a job: FIND AN INTERVIEW first!
2) Excel at the interview (For this you have to know your stuff. Why should anyone hire you if you faked it?
2) If you get the job, MAKE SURE YOU CAN KEEP IT. If you lied, you'll die...
Our World Headquarters are based in South Florida, USA
[This message has been edited by Tony Alicea (edited September 30, 2000).]
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Dear Atriya,
The best way to keep from stammering in an interview is to build experience. When you have only two months of experience, you aren't going to know much.
Have you considered studying for certification? Many people find that to be an excellent way to learn Java and some employers equate certification to a year of Java experience.
Ranch Hand
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dear friends,
thanx for ur responses .
mr madhav,ur reponse was so st....
ur surname's last 4 words describes what u are.
I hope more people will guide me in my mission.
Seeing the code and going thru it is more helpful rather than begin fronm scratch.I am wasting valuable time.

thanx in advance
Ranch Hand
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Vivek,thanx a lot for the links .mail me at [email protected]
are u also new like me to java.
let me know
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Tony is 100% correct & has told all of us the hard core of fact.
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Hi atriya,
I had been going thru the same phase 3 months back and then
i got hold of a employed friend who thought me some c projects
then it became possible for me to go confidently for tests.
Got a O.K JOB.But right noW I NEED SOME JAVA PROJECTS to understand codes more properly
all the best
Raj Pai
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hi friends,
forgot 2 put my e-mail id
Those who have done java-related projects (hope it is documented and understandable) please send it to me.We can even swap projects.
It is a matter of helping fellow friends and in the same time improvin our professional skills
my mail id is [email protected]
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Dear friends,
both of u seem to be 2 desperate like those thousands who want to enter into the wonderful world of IT.
all the best
Ranch Hand
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Hi Atriya
I can suggest you 1 project that I did for my academic purpose. You can make "Online Homework Submission System" through which students can upload the files from their computer and send it to their professors account. Its a simple client/server application. If you want to make applet than you need to go through all the security matter. If you are done with that then you can make it mutilthreaded. Also you can connect it to database. There are lots of features that you can add. Like when the submission is succesful then student should get an email of confirmation that has time,size of file etc...
Isn't is a cool project???
Let me know if you need anything else except code.
Vishal Shah([email protected])
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Your name doesn't comply with our naming policy here at the ranch. Check out this link for more details: www.javaranch.com/name.jsp
Please re-register with a more appropriate name.
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Trail Boss / Sherriff:
Shouldn't this be in the Job Discussion Forum?
I missed this person's post - just happened to stumble on it in the Certification Study forum.
John Coxey
([email protected])
John Coxey
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Atriya Gupta:
- Number one rule for interviews - NEVER/EVER lie about technical experience.
For example:
- Never say you know EJB if you really don't know anything about them.
- Now, if you have studied EJB but don't have real world experience, it is ok to list EJB on your skill set. But, when the interviewer asks you about EJB, tell them you studied it - and studied it alot - and tell them you did not work on EJB in real world - but would like to (this is why you studied it).
- The way to get good at interviewing is to go on a lot of interviews. The more interviews you do - the more confident you become.
- Number Two rule of interviewing. Do not take rejection personally. Instead, turn a negative experience into a positive one. Learn from the interview. Did you think you did something wrong (like wrong dress or could you have come up with a better answer). Did you forget to ask for a business card? Things like this.
- When you leave interview - write your thoughts/notes down. Yes, it's unusual. But you will be in the 5% who do - and now you have separated yourself from the rest of the crowd.
- I'm telling you now, that the interview process in 50% human nature and 50% technical skills. Right now - as an entry level person - you need to lean extremely heavy on your human nature skills.
- In USA, when you go to on-campus (college) interviews - they NEVER ask technical interviews - NEVER NEVER NEVER have I had a company that I interviewed with on campus ask me technical questions. Why? Because they realize that as entry level people - if we have the people skills - the company can develop the technical skills.
Is college important, yes!!! Why? Because it develops those people skills, such as time management, stress handling, sticking to a project. Sure there are technical skills learned. But equally important are the people skills - and this is what I think a lot of the JavaRanch viewers/readers are failing to take into consideration when they go to an interview.
- Now your question becomes: "How do I get these skills - or how do I relate this to the interviewer".
- The answer is: Go on lots of interviews.
- Develop stories about your past experiences - hopefully in the computer field. This is why any technical job (I don't care how mundane) is so important at this point in your career. This is why you should be working at the computer help desk in college. Or doing help desk ("9th Plane of Hell") support in the real world. Now you and the recuiter have something to talk about - and you can use your stories about your job experiences to answer the people skills questions the interviewer will ask.
Hope this helps.
John Coxey
([email protected])

[This message has been edited by John Coxey (edited March 30, 2001).]
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