Hi! Friends,
I did it, now I am SCJP-2.
I would like to tell u something, especially to the friends who have fear about the exam.
I did it simply,
Time I took to prepare for the exam - 3days,
Time I took to finish the exam - 55mins,(90-55 = 35 mins spared),
So the minimum time that u can take for preparing is only 3 days as I did it. I am not a great programmer of
Java, eventhough I am BE in computers, fundamentally I am strong in OS concepts and a strong background in C programming as well as object oriented concepts. 90 minutes for the exam is hell a lot of time, as I finished the exam within 55 minutes and I spent rest of the time reviewing.
I felt the questions on threads is rather difficult to answer, as the code given was confusing.
Almost all questions r having some code, so u should have patience to read the code understand it, think about the answer and check the options and select the right answer.
I read Thinking in Java as it is bible for me, and for preparation for the exam(as I took 3days) I went thru Khalid Mughal's book as it is superbly written and I skimmed RHE very fast.
One more thing my friends I had not taken even a single mock, as I took the exam directly. Once long back(some 4 months ago) I wrote Javaranch's mock and I got 91%, thats all.
Any way once u r passed means passed does the score matters?
(I got a mere 62% as I was aiming for around 85%).
And a great deal of luck I got througout, as I purchased the voucher for Rs.2450

(here in India) around in July, last month they increased it to Rs.6990 and when I took voucher it was 71% for passing, now they changed format and 61% if u get its sufficient.
I would like to thank Javaranch site, its moderater's, fellow Javaranchers, especially MahaAnna(his/her vast knowledge of Java really helped me clear some doubts), Ajith, Tony, Deepak.M.
Thank You guys, U R really great as u r maintaining this site continuously, I will be visiting this site very often as I really love this site.
So thats all guys its

party time, and all the best for the aspiring fellow programmers.
Graaaasp the Concepts and Graaaab SCJP. :Anil Kollur: [This message has been edited by Anil Kollur (edited November 06, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Anil Kollur (edited November 06, 2000).]