The code below does not compile because of the PUBLIC modifier. If you remove PUBLIC the compile is happy however is you include any modifier the compiler barks at you. Can anyone explain why this is not possible? public class Test { { public int g = 0; if(g > 0) System.out.println("Can compile"); } }
OK, this is a bit of a guess but I think it's a good guess - I'd be grateful if anyone could confirm it. Because you're declaring g inside the initialiser, it's effectively a method variable and you can't put access modifiers in front of method variables. So what you're probably wanting to do is this:- public class Test { public int g; { g = 0; if(g > 0) System.out.println("Can compile"); } } So g is now a class member variable. Hope this helps, Kathy
java compiler has problem with you are declared int i as public there is no problem with public class Test// Remember you never declare local varible(in method,in static block or simple block) with any access modifier. bye.......................bye
Hi! oluwayomi, i think it just scope problem. in instance initialize block your variable g just work within his {}. there4 u cant declare public g variable....hope this help. if m i wrong plz tell me. thanx Aftab
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