"Winners don't do different things<br /> They do things differently"
Originally posted by amit sanghai:
Q1) How do arrange components in FlowLayout?
(i) North, East, West, South
(ii) U dont do anything. FlowLayout arranges them by itself.
Ans given : (i).
Q2) Which keyword does not affect the flow of the program.
(i) for
(ii) break
(iii) continue
(iv) synchronized
Ans given : (iv).
Q3) Which of the following creates a final variable accessed globally :
(i) public final static String s="Global";
(ii) public final String s="Global";
Answer given : (i).
Originally posted by Sean Casey:
you are wrong about your third answer. In order for it to be accessed "globally" it needs to be a static variable.
I got this tall by not having enough crisco in my diet as a kid. This ad looks like it had plenty of shortening:
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