1) Which statements about garbage collection are true?
Select all valid answers.
1-You can directly free the memory allocated by an object.
2-You can directly run the garbage collector whenever you want to.
3-The garbage collector informs your object when it is about to be garbage collected.
4-The garbage collector reclaims an object�s memory as soon as it becomes a candidate for garbage collection.
5-The garbage collector runs in low-memory situations.
Ans is 2,3,5 .BUT I GUESS IT IS ONLY 3.please explain.
Question 64: Returning a value of false in
Java 1.0.2 from an event handler:
Select the one right answer.
1)passes that event is passed up the container hierarchy
2)stops that event from being passed up the container hierarchy
3)has no effect on whether the event is passed up the container heirarchy
ANs is 1.How? and also i wanted to know that do questions abt deprecated mathods appear in exam?
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