Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Originally posted by Tejas Nakawala:
Hi anurag priya and Sujit,
Can i join ur group ? I wnt to appear for SCJP in last week of Feb.
Waiting for ur reply.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hope to get in ..
Tejas Nakawala
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Test 094, IBM WID 6.0 cert
SCJP 1.2
SCBCD 1.3 Beta
SCWCD 1.4 Beta
Originally posted by anurag priya:
hi! if there is anyone preparing for SCJP then please contact me [email protected]
i am going to appear in the first or second weak of feb!
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Originally posted by anurag priya:
dear ratul hi!
thanx for the reply !
as far as books are concerned first go with RHE one reading then pick the KHALIDS book ! RHE will give you the foundation but to score high you need khalid!but RHE will be helpful if you get any unknown question ! (accidental recovery )
if anything else you require please let me know !
Anurag priya
SCJP 2(83%); Brain Bench Certified for: Masters level EJB2.0(97%) - Masters level J2EE (83%) - BEA-WebLogic Application Server8.1 (86% )
Seriously? That's what you're going with? I prefer this tiny ad:
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