well nan it's not that tough as u r taking it
go thru following code
char trustme=65;
the o/p of above code will be 'A' well this is done
because every thing stored in memory is in form of 1,0
pattern so when u say char confuse='A';
it is first converted in to it's bit pattern
so according to acsii chart value of 'A' is 65 for 'B' 66
and so on.
now comming back to ur question
\u0000 is an unicode but & the default pattern for windows
is ISO 8990_1 (some thing like that)
so as \u0000 == 0
&0 is ascii for space and as space char identifer can hold only one char it's not possible to store null in it.
This might make u more confuse but i got myself clear with
following example
int \u0041=100
can u guess th o/p
well...... there is no error in prg
it will print 100
why ???
cause as i told befor \u0041 is for 'A'
so defining int \u0041 is same as int A;
wann some more fundays .....?