Hello cowgirls and cowboys !
First visit here, this is really a nice site ! OK, I've just finished reading "Java - How to program" from the Deitels. It took me 2 months to read the book from cover to back. Now I'm looking forward to pass my
SCJP at the beginning of april.
My background : 4 years in programmation, mainly VB and Lotus Notes (not much OOP programmation).
My objective : pass the exam with at least 80%.
My questions :
1- First and foremost : which cert book to buy ? A Programmer's Guide to
Java Certification (Khalid Azim Mughal) or The Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide: Programmer's and Developers Exams (Simon Roberts). I've read most of the reviews for those books on Amazon and both seem very good. I can't afford to buy them both, so any advices from people who've been there would be really appreciated.
2- Is it realistic to think I'll be ready in 5 weeks ? I'm a fast learner and I plan to study 50 hours a week. That would be 250 hours of preparation, including the time reading the book, taking the mock exams and reading the posts at JavaRanch (of course !).
3- I took the "Round up" exam 3 times just for the fun of it and never scored below 27. Where would that put me knowing that I haven't read a single line of any cert book ?
4- Are there people out there who are at the same stage that I am willing to form a study group where we could share thoughts and
exchange tricks, answers, etc. ?
Ok, mucho gracias for your time !
[email protected] [This message has been edited by Dave Kay (edited February 20, 2001).]