Originally posted by rohan mehta:
this is from marcus exam2
class ValHold{
public int i = 10;
public class ObParm{
public static void main(String argv[]){
ObParm o = new ObParm();
public void amethod(){
int i = 99;
ValHold v = new ValHold();
}//End of amethod
public void another(ValHold v, int i){
v.i = 20;
ValHold vh = new ValHold();
v = vh;
System.out.println(v.i+ " "+i);
}//End of another
Answer is 10,0,20
Please expalin me how is the value of instance variable i changing .
Thanks in advance for your expalination
Hi Rohan,
Just review the method another() one more time:
public void another(ValHold v, int i){
i=0; // 1
v.i = 20; // 2
ValHold vh = new ValHold(); // 3
v = vh; // 4
System.out.println(v.i+ " "+i); // 5 This line yields 10 0
First, look at line //3, a new ValHold object is created. That will invoke its constructor, which will set 'i' of 'vh' to 10 (i.e. vh.i = 10)
Second, look at line //4. you copy the address of vh to v via the assignment v = vh. v now has the reference that points to the memory block of the object recently created. Therefore v.i is the same as vh.i (i.e v.i = 10)
Third, look at line //1; i was set to 0, right? Therefore line //5
System.out.println(v.i + " " + i) yields 10 0
Now look at line // 2; that line sets the 'i' value of the object refered by v to the value of 20. Please remember this since it will be crucial for the explanation followed.
Now let's take a look at amethod():
public void amethod(){
int i = 99;
ValHold v = new ValHold(); // 1
v.i=30; // 2
another(v,i); // 3
System.out.println(v.i); // 4 This line yield 20
}//End of amethod
First, look at line // 3, when you pass v in another(), you pass a copy of v's reference to that method. Such copy will also points to the object created in line // 1. At this point in time v.i = 30 set in line //2.
But did you remember that in the method another() explained above, line //2 of another() change the 'i' value of the object to 20? That is how you got the answer of 20 in line // 4
System.out.println(v.i); // 4
Hope that helps,
[This message has been edited by Lam Thai (edited April 24, 2001).]