Otherwise rape is not acceptable; this becomes an absolute Wrong, by fiat if not by definition
Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
I already gave the definition of Evil, in the very first post of this thread. Do you want to punish me for speaking my mind?
Originally posted by Damian Ryan:
I notice you make no reply to my point about the frothers smashing the windows and vandalizing the house of an innocent member of the community because they were too fired up with a sense of what was wrong and evil (and too stupid to spell) to know that a paediatrician is substantially not the same thing as a paedophile.
Originally posted by Damian Ryan:
You seem to go on to say (correct me if I misinterpret again) that someone with the courage of their convictions that rape or assault is ABSOLUTELY wrong (as opposed, presumably, to wishy-washy liberals who only think it's wrong in some intellectual, relative fashion) are more likely to overcome their fear of personal injury and wade in to the rescue of the unfortunate victim. I can neither confirm nor deny this, because I don't know the answer. But I can't quite see the logic between the precept and your conclusion in as clear a fashion as you.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
In short, I don't think rape is wrong because there's a law against it. I think there's a law against rape because it's Wrong.
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
Herb: I was unable to discern a specific definition of Evil from your ramblings in the first post.
I am willing to state it again. Good and Evil are the qualities that conscious beings assign to the various physical types of motion. Just like velocity characterizes the motion in terms of the speed and direction, the Goodness (and its counterpart Evilness = 1.0/Goodness) characterizes the motion in terms of the type of motion, as perceived by a conscious observer in a given spatio-temporal frame of reference.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
So, there really is a difference based on whether rape is Wrong because of a law, or the law exists because rape is Wrong. I believe the latter. In fact I believe all laws aere in place in order to address Wrongs, not the other way around. Thus whether or not something is legal or illegal has nothing to do with the underlying issue of WHY something is Wrong.
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
You missed the key word "balance". The group you describe seemed to consist of too many frothing at the mouth absolutists.
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
Absolutism, in its clear cut black/white distinctions, is able to communicate its message very emotionally/effectively; in times of crises especially.
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
So, are you denying any correlation at all between strong emotions on particular issues and an absolutist view of those issues?
Or are you denying any correlation between action...?
Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
It's awry.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
DR: I think we could go around in circles for ever over semantics here
Nope. You can, because you won't address the point. Either rape is always wrong or it isn't. If it is always wrong, it is an absolute Wrong.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
It's easier for me to address an issue if you ask a question.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
Are you saying that declaring that rape is wrong will automatically lead to fundamentalism?
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
I heard no end of ludicrously stretched examples of where cannibalism, for example, could be acceptable. Crapola. Even if it was necessary, it was not acceptable
Originally posted by Joue Pluta:
Stay away from my family. Really, I mean that.
Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
There is no true standard, that's the whole point.
There is an artificial standard, which is reached by consensus (in a democratic society) and is used in a court of law.
Well, I am not arguing that Good and Evil are meaningless, -- they are, indeed, meaningful, but only as the attributes that conscious beings assign to the purely physical processes, which intrinsically don't operate within the good/evil bounds.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
MI: True. I "attacked" Joe's views because I was irritated when he responded to Eugene's intellectual investigations with "just stay away from my family".
There is no reaonable conversation that even considers the possibility of sex with a little child (I'm not getting into the age debate - a four year old would fit into Eugene's discussion) as being anything but monstrous.
Eugene stated some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that "the only difference between adult and child is 'Why'". What is this other than an attempt to justify sex with little children?
And if a person can contemplate such an action, even metaphysically, then it is my duty as a parent to keep that person away from my children. Is this moralizing? Hell, no, it's being a responsible parent.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
MI: True. I "attacked" Joe's views because I was irritated when he responded to Eugene's intellectual investigations with "just stay away from my family".
It;s just Joe-bashing. For instance, Map is complaining that convicted sex offenders shouldn't be let out of jail, yet she's okay with someone justifying those acts. What happens here is you guys are trying to find ANY REASON TO MAKE ME WRONG, rather than addressing the issues.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Damian Ryan:
I meant that I didn't see that being convinced that something is always wrong (black and white) rather than just believing it was wrong in the given situation (through an intellectual analysis of the situation, vs. an instinctive, reflex "it's just wrong") would have much of an effect on a person's reactive behaviour. But again, I don't know. We may have been talking at crossed purposes.
[ September 18, 2003: Message edited by: Damian Ryan ]
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
No. Rape and statutory rape are different. They have different terms. This is argument by obfuscation.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
I'll note one thing: you went WAY out of your way to take my quotes out of context to justify your position that I am moralizing. I'm glad it was that much work.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
This clearly states to me that Eugene accepts pedophilia.
Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
Now, as we hopefully established before, the measurement of Evil will invariably yield different results, depending on who is doing the measurement. Therefore, I asserted, there is no standard when it comes to measuring the magnitude of Evil.
Herb: Do we evaluate the movement of inanimate objects in terms of Good/Evil? No, we usually don't and that's why your definition is still lacking.
Well, think about the earthquake, the hurricance, the asteroid hitting the Earth and evaporating all life. Most people would indeed characterize these events as Evil.
[ September 18, 2003: Message edited by: herb slocomb ]
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
The question that I posed here is not so much about whether we can accurately measure Evil, but whether the measurement of Evil makes sense at all.
I can't go back and re-read all the posts, but I missed where the question became whether we should measure evil or not. I think you meant to say the issue was whether we should apply the characteriztion or quality of Evil to any action. Then it seemed like you were saying it was meaningless to do so due to problems with standards used to evaluate Evil.
Regarding standards, they are by necessity artificial, yet could we not postulate a changing standard designed to serve a natural constant purpose or need. A standard that would perhaps insure social coherence or stability for the greatest number?
Maybe a sense of Right/Wrong is an outgrowth socio-biological Darwinism. Maybe it is not a purely artificial standard. Maybe there are some common features amongst all the major religions/ethical systems (there certainly are!). Maybe even amongst other species!!!
Getting closer, even if only conceptually, to a universal standard here....
[ September 18, 2003: Message edited by: herb slocomb ]
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
I never accepted that a standard of Evil exists in the first place. In fact, I never deviated from my initial proposition that Evil doesn't exist at all, independently from human consciousness. So while your assertion is valid, it doesn't invalidate my initial hypothesis.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
Herb, nobody makes you waste your time here, if you do not like this way of wasting your time -- choose another.
I thought we are responding in this thread because we prefer this way of wasting our time over any other!