In the real exam, you are free to spend as much time as you want on each question. You are in complete control over when you move on to the next question. Just remember, you have only 2 hours to complete the whole
My strategy for answering was this:
I make two or more passes in answering the questions.
First pass:
Answer all the questions that have no exhibits or just a little code. They usually take less than two minutes to answer. Each question has a "Mark" checkbox at the upper left-hand corner of the window. I check this if I have a doubt about my answer. I skip all questions that have an exhibit button, leaving them unanswered and unmarked.
Even if a question does not have an exhibit, I could still take a while to answer it if it is difficult so I still keep an eye on the clock. If it looks like I'll go over two minutes trying to answer it, I leave it unmarked and unanswered and move on to the next question.
After the last question, you will be shown the Summary screen. Questions that you answered but marked will be highlighted in Yellow.
Questions that you didn't answer and left unmarked will be Red.
Second Pass:
See how much time you have left and how many questions are marked red. Do some quick math and figure out how much time you want to spend on each unanswered question. If you have a lot of yellow questions, allow for some time for those too.
Then, go back and answer the Red questions (just double click on the item in the summary screen). If you still have doubts about the question, mark it.
When you have done all the red questions, go back over the yellow ones. Repeat until no questions are marked or you run out of time.
Good luck!