I agree with Trevor. In fact, I also recommend against using the IDEs for compiling and running the programs for beginners.
The point is IDEs make mundane tasks (like managing packages, compiling etc.) much easier. But this deprives you of the knowledge/concept involved in doing those things.
Managing packages is a classic example of this. IDEs like VAJ make this task a breez but running a class (which itself is in a package) from command line that uses other packages is not a trivial task for a beginner. But doing it the hard way makes you realize, understand and appreciate the logic behind it.
Once you know what's going on you can use IDEs to increase your productivity.
As far as the Layouts and GUI development is concerned, I hate using IDEs for it. The code generated by IDE (I use VAJ) for even a moderatly complex panel is cryptic, hard to read and extremely inefficient. Master GBL and you'll understand what I am saying.
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