Hi Rajaraman,
access modifiers determine how objects may interact with each other ie a 'public' class is visible to all other classes and can be
accessed by them but a
private object can only interact with other objects of the same type.
The other modifiers further
qualify object/method/variable , providing a clue to how it can be used ie an 'abstract' method isn't implemented so it can't be used until you provide code statements defining it's behaviour. A 'volatile' variable's value can change in unpredictable ways so it has to be handled differently in multi-threaded apps, etc.
Hope that helps.
Please read the
JavaRanch Name Policy and re-register using a name that complies with the rules.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Jane Griscti
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
[This message has been edited by Jane Griscti (edited July 10, 2001).]