Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
hi gregg,
well, if we really don't have anything in the code that needs "signed" application then we don't have to sign the application, right?
Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
but sure...
i would agree that it is "browser independent" and i know that applets behave differently on different browsers...
(i still have to make my applet run properly on NN...it stops working...the edit pane becomes disabled...what not...)...
Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
Alright Gregg,
7. Mime-Type settings
- Applet doesn't need special mime-type settings on most web servers or
- JWS application works with JNLP which requires special mime-type
settings for JNLP file support on the web server as well as the browser.
8. Communication with other entities
- Applet can have a communication with RMI objects, other Applets, CORBA,
database, sockets to the hosting host, JavaScript, Servlets/JSPs etc.
Each of these possible type of communication needs to be considered to
see if we can really replace the Applet application with the corresponding
- For an example, JWS can't take advantage of communication with JavaScript
as the application doesn't run into browser anymore and this might be
crucial if "Applet/JavaScript communication" is MUST.
Similarly, how a stand-alone application can use "file upload" utility that
exists in HTTP via "multipart- form" request. We can use Applet-Servlet/JSP/HTML
combination to achieve the file upload utility from an Applet but we can't use
JWS to post "Multipart-form" request as it can be only handled by HTTP
client (a webbrowser).
SCJP '02, SCWCD '02, SCJD '08, SCSNB '09, SCEA '10
Originally posted by Thomas Hubschman:
Hey All,
Does anyone have a link to a demo of a good implementation of a JWS demoed application? One that has the code and all?
#8 - Java Applications can communicate with all specified technologies except Javascript. As far as the goes, your Web Based Form becomes a SWING Form so form requests via javascript are no longer needed. And Servlets are easily communicated with via SWING applications. Just by using URLConnection.
Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
we don't have a command line switch/option for the browser exe (not for IE nor for NN) that says "open window without locationbar or menubar" you know. that is the problem.
Can you please provide some more info on how this can be done?
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