SWT with JNLP works perfectly. We are using it for quite a few apps. I'd also like to know how to package up an RCP application as that's the direction we're heading in.
I think the issue is what to do with all the plugins.
I'm wondering if the Eclipse RCP offers a suitable way of managing plug-ins automatically (i.e. without user intervention). It's on my list of things to look at...
Paul, Eclipse3 allows autoupdate (with the users permission). The VERY interesting szenario, and here would be a sample highly appreciated:
Webstart: Is there a Eclipse3 RCP installed: - No: install it & the application - Yes: ask for permission to integrate, If yes: install plug-in if no: install RCP & app.
Somehow the way you install extensions into Mozilla. Anybody seen that? ;-) stw
You can use Eclipse 3.0 and use the update features to automatically update your app, but due to the plugin structure i'm not sure that it can be distributed via jnlp.