Originally posted by Steven Bell:
You might want to look at this. I haven't finished it, but I think you might have to wait for the next article to get into the HUD stuff. Maybe something to look forward to though.
Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:
JOGL rocks all up and down, as far as I'm concerned. Have you had any problems with it? After having used GL4Java, Java3D, and my own home-grown library, JOGL far and away wins my heart.
No HUD, not a game.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
It is so hacked. There are so many issues with Java and Opengl that you just don't run into using C++ and something like QT or wxWidgets.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Hey Ernest, do you know if JOGL has a way to pump a ShaderLanguage script to the video card? LWJGL does. I thought that was pretty cool.
Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:
Yep, right in the "GL" class you got your glCreateShaderObjectARB(), glShaderSourceARB(), glCompileShaderARB(), everything you need. Haven't used it myself but I know it's there!
Did you see how Paul cut 87% off of his electric heat bill with 82 watts of micro heaters? |