Originally posted by colin shuker:
Basically, I'm trying to draw a Mandelbrot set.
And I need to plot a few hundred thousand points,
after testing them to see if they satisfy:
P[^n](0) -/-> infinity as n->infinity,
where P(z)=z^2+c, and c is the point (x,y)=x+iy.
Originally posted by colin shuker:
I'm shocked that java wont let you plot a point.
Why isn't there a method plotPoint(x,y) or something???
SCJP 1.4
Originally posted by Rob Ross:
One reason may be that in Java 2D, points are infinitely small. They have no spatial extent. A *range* of points, however, can be rendered, such as a line, or a rectangle.
I could ramble on for hours.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Can't pass up tooting my own horn: at http://www.ulfdittmer.com/simplemandel/index.html is an applet (with source code) ...
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Can't pass up tooting my own horn: at http://www.ulfdittmer.com/simplemandel/index.html is an applet (with source code) that draws the Mandelbrot set for various exponents, and lets you zoom in and out. It has 12 built-in colors (the ones from java.awt.Color), but you can change those to any color sequence you like.
So is it always true that if all the points along the border of a bounding rectangle converge then all the points on the interior also converge? Has this been proved mathematically?
Originally posted by Timmy Marks:
Well, according to this page, the Mandelbrot Set is simply connected.
Originally posted by Timmy Marks:
Please feel free to ramble.
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