As I understand it (and as Billy hints), the only
performance difference between Vector and ArrayList is that the former is synchronised. So, it can be slower in multithreaded apps, but you might need synchronisation. (Though in that case if you had an ArrayList you could use Collections.synchronizedList(myArrayList) to synchronise it).
In your situation the other concern is the cost of converting a Vector to an ArrayList. Whether or not this is a problem depends on the size of the vector and performance requirements of your app.
The other concern here is which is a
better class to use? The general consensus is that (all things being equal)
you should use ArrayList, as it's part of the newer Collections framework. Vector is a 'legacy class'.
In your situation, I would stick with the vector if you don't need to pass the object around, or convert it to an ArrayList as soon as you get it, so you don't use the legacy Vector class through your app.
Still, each situation is different
[ June 28, 2004: Message edited by: Tim West ]