Since the stateful session bean already manages your transaction, you probably want to use POJO's behind it. On the other hand, you might want to use a stateless session bean before a bunch of entity beans to make a session facade. This way you keep your options open for possible clustering and distributing your project. You can make a facade with regular POJO's, but this will strap you to the same application server your stateful session bean is running. This is basically the same as Ilja Preuss said, but viewed from an other angle.
So depening on the appication lay-out, and the future expectations of your project, any of the two options is possible:
- One application server, no need to split up the application behind the statefull session bean, no need for remote access to the methods on the so called 'helper classes': definately POJO's
- Session facade wanted (this is a J2EE design
pattern), remote access wanted, possibility to scale the application over multiple appliciation servers: stateless session bean will be the answer